Hello after a little break. We hope you had a great Christmas and that 2024 brings lots of goodness your way. Here’s to new opportunities and new exciting adventures. Cheers!
2023 has been a very busy and productive year for us and we are bursting with plenty of new ideas we can’t wait to share with you. Traditionally, the start of the year is a very good moment to make plans and set goals. If one of yours is to improve your English skills, read on as we have something that will definitely be of interest to you.
Introducing our latest creation – Vocabulary and Conversation Booster 3 ! A great little resource for B1, B2 and C1 learners that will help you actively work on improving your range of vocabulary and, in turn, help you become a more competent speaker of English. It is a continuation of our popular Booster series and here’s what you will find in it.
Five content-packed units centred around new exciting themes:
Clothes and Fashion

Each unit is made up of four parts – Vocabulary, Let’s talk, Idioms and Challenges. The Vocabulary part is an assortment of activities such as vocabulary races, gap-fill activities, matching activities, word formation exercises and others to help students test, learn and practise their lexis connected with a particular theme. If you are an autonomous student looking for a way to help you organise your learning, use the Vocabulary and Conversation Booster for your daily English routine.

Remember, it all starts with setting attainable objectives and being consistent. Also, spending 15 minutes a day every day mastering any skill, language included, is much better than doing it every so often for an hour. The vocabulary exercises offered in our workbook are digestible chunks of knowledge that won’t seem too daunting and won’t put you off learning. Simply assign yourself the task of tackling one or two exercises a day and you’ll notice progress soon.
The Let’s talk part is a great opportunity for the students to put the target vocabulary to the test and actively use it in speaking. There are around 20 questions in each Let’s talk section and they are designed to make the students reflect on, recycle and reinforce the newly-learnt material and apply it in practice. Many of the questions will lead to great whole class debates or can be used as topics for written assignments. Independent learners can record themselves answering the questions or write the answers down and reflect on their responses afterwards.
The Idioms section is a great extension for high level students who aim at achieving natural, native-like linguistic competence. The idioms are introduced in a simple three-step formula whereby the first step is noticing the context they are used in, step two is working out the meaning and step three is practising the idiomatic expressions through speaking.

The Challenges offered at the end of every unit are ideas that students/ teachers can use to further utilise the target language in a variety of scenarios. The task might include watching a video, reading an article, writing a proposal or creating an infographic. They are designed to give students opportunities to maximise the time spent with English outside class and engage in activities that are fun and practical at the same time.
Vocabulary and Conversation Booster 3 is a handy little resource pack for teachers too. If you are a busy teacher looking for ways to cut down on the time spent lesson-planning, use activities from the book as an extension for your curriculum or as a base for conversational courses. You have plenty of exercises to pick and choose from, depending on your and your students’ needs. Also, make sure you check out our website regularly for corresponding video-based lessons that tally well with the content of the book.
The e-book is available at a lower, introductory price of only $9 AUD (that’s only $6 USD for nearly 50 pages of practice)!
We are also running a sale on our other Boosters. You can grab Vocabulary and Conversation Booster Part 1 and Vocabulary and Conversation Booster Part 2 for only $8 AUD each now.
All our other e-books are available 20% cheaper too. Don’t miss out. Stock up now and get ready for a great year ahead.
Happy 2024 to you all!
Shop all e-books here: https://threewisekangaroos.com/shop/