Vocabulary and Conversation Booster – Part 1 is the first e-book in a series of e-books aimed at helping students improve their range of lexis and hence their speaking skills. It consists of five theme-based units, each of which includes a variety of vocabulary exercises, stimulating discussion topics, idiomatic expressions with additional speaking practice and a list of challenges- practical tasks that will allow the students to use the newly learnt material outside class in a wide range of scenarios.
A busy teacher will find this e-book a very handy resource for supplementing their regular courses with additional lexical and communicative practice. The discussion questions offered in each unit encompass many different aspects of a given theme and tie in nicely with the lexical material from the vocabulary part. The challenges offered at the end of each unit make for great homework as they allow the students to revise and consolidate the newly-learnt material in fun and creative ways. The e-book’s layout allows you to easily pick and choose the content most suitable to your needs.
All the units are going to have corresponding video-based lessons, which will appear on systematically.
If you are an autonomous learner, use this e-book as a way of testing, learning and revising vocabulary theme by theme. You will find a whole range of activities to choose from for your daily language practice. Use the conversation questions while practising English with friends or simply record yourself answering them, listen to the recordings and see if you could have said things differently. The challenges you’ll find at the end of each unit will offer more opportunity to utilise the freshly-learnt material in practice and show you how you can apply your knowledge in real life.
You can use this e-book together with the instant, video-based lessons you will find on or independently of them.
Kasia –
I’m writing to express my greatest appreciation and admiration for creating such comprehensive content for teaching/learning vocabulary. Never have I encountered such well prepared, vocabulary packed and visually pleasant e-book. In fact this book has already provided me with teaching materials for up to 20 teaching hours and there will be many more!
Heather –
This is fantastic. I frequently use it as a supplementary resource. The activities are targeted and communicative and, best of all, it has intelligent Australian content.
Anna –
A very comprehensive collection of vocabulary and speaking activities. Great value for money. It’s probably more suitable for higher levels.
Pamela –
Such a great resource a well-crafted, vocabulary-rich, and easy to adapt to lessons e-book . I find it engages my upper -level students and provides useful vocabulary . A must-have for any ESL teacher.